Professional Development

Professional development
Your continuous learning and development is important as it shows that you’re striving to improve as a professional. That’s why, as the leading professional body in health and safety, we take very seriously the support and guidance we give you through your professional development.
When working your way through our membership categories, logging your professional development will be a requirement at some stage. Becoming a Chartered Safety and Health Practitioner, Graduate Member or Technical Member will give you higher status, but this comes with a responsibility to show that you’re keeping on top of the demands of your job and meeting our high standards.
At all membership levels, apart from Associate Member, you will be required to complete your CPD.
To progress from Graduate to Chartered Member you will be required to complete your IPD.

Professional Development Examples

One of the evaluation criteria listed in the Agreement between ASOSH and United University Professions id “Continuing Growth.” Examples of continuing growth include such things as continuing education, participation in professional organizations, enrollment in training programs, research, improved job performance, and increased duties and responsibilities.

The supervisor and employee negotiate the employee’s level of involvement in professional development. Each employee should have at least one activity listed in his/her performance program. Professional development may be geared toward improving an area “in need of improvement” from a previous evaluation or related to an employee’s new responsibilities or future career goals.

Examples of activities that contribute to professional growth and development:

Continuing Education

Enrollment in formal degree programs, courses, or workshops
Pursuing certificates, accreditations or other credentials through educational programs
Participation in professional organizations

Attending local, regional, national, and international meetings, conferences and workshops sponsored by professional organizations
Presenting papers at conferences and workshops
Serving as an officer, board member, or committee member
Coordinating events sponsored by the organization

Conducting research

Presenting findings of research to others
Improve job performance

Keeping up with technology, systems, processes
Learning about new developments in your field
Improving existing skills
Increased duties and responsibilities

Taking on new challenges in current position, projects, long or short-term assignments
Approaches to professional development:

Skill Based Training

Effective skill-based training allows participants to learn conceptual information or necessary behaviors, practice learning the new information or behaviors, and receive feedback on their performance.
Making the most of a training program: Have a discussion with supervisor regarding reasons for attending, what you hope to get out of it; Post-conference – debrief the experience. Discuss what you have learned at the training session and how you might immediately apply it to your work. Practice skills that you learned.
Job Assignments

Learning by doing – by working on real problems and dilemmas
May be an entirely new job, a responsibility added to an existing job such as a short-term project
The key element in a developmental assignment is challenge, something that stretches people, pushes them out of their comfort zones, and requires them to think and act differently

Developmental Relationships

Learning through interaction with others. Three major roles that a person can play include: (1) assessment (feedback provider, sounding board, point of comparison, feedback interpreter), (2) challenge (dialogue partner, assignment broker, role model), (3) support (counselor, cheerleader, reinforcer, cohort).
3 Critical Components of an Effective Professional Development Plan:


There is an established standard of success to describe what an individual who is successful looks like. There is a means of assessing where the individual is against this standard and continual assessment of progress that has been made. What are the standards against which you assess performance and what measures will you use to assess the individual against these standards?


It must be something that stretches people, pushes them out of their comfort zones, and requires them to think and act differently.


We tend to think only of monetary support, but what are the environmental support mechanisms. Who will provide guidance, feedback, and assistance as the individual tries out new skills, or takes on responsibilities that are beyond the scope of their current skill level? Is there a tolerance for risk taking and some failure?